# Tables and Forms

If you ever need to add tables or form elements to the content of your articles, you can easily do so by using the HTML card that the editor provides. You can see a demo in the Style Guide (opens new window).

# Tables

If you want to add a table, you should use HTML code similar to this one:

<div class="g-table-container">

The container with the class g-table-container is important, please do not forget about it.

# Form Elements

Galerie comes with styles for these form elements:

  • Button
  • Input text
  • Textarea
  • Select
  • Checkbox
  • Radio button

# Button

For a button or a link to have the styles of the theme you must add the g-button class to the element, you must also add the no-appearance class so that it looks good in all browsers, additionally you can add the focusable class to improve the accessibility of the button or link you want to use.

<!-- Button -->
<button class="g-button no-appearance focusable">
  Button example

<!-- Link -->
<a href="#" class="g-button no-appearance focusable">
  Link button example

# Input text and Textarea

These elements already have styles defined out of the box so it's not necessary to do anything special to make them look as they appear in the style guide.

# Select

To add a select element correctly you should use a code like this one:

<div class="g-select-container">
  <select name="select-example" id="select-example">
    <option value="1">First option</option>
    <option value="2">Second option</option>
    <option value="3">Third option</option>
  <span class="icon-nav-arrow-down" aria-hidden="true"></span>

The container with the class g-select-container is important, as well as the span element with the class icon-nav-arrow-down.

# Checkbox and Radio button

To add a checkbox or a radio button element correctly you should use some code like this one:

<!-- Checkbox -->
<label class="input-checkbox">
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox-example" id="checkbox-example-1" value="1">
  Checkbox option

<!-- Radio button -->
<label class="input-radio">
    <input type="radio" name="radio-example" id="radio-example-1" value="1">
  Input radio option

Please use an identical structure as shown in the examples, the class input-checkbox and input-radio matter. The tags label, div and span also matter and should remain in that order.


The styles of tables and form elements only work in the body of a post or a regular page.